About Me


I’m Shruti Chopra, a British Indian living in Mumbai, India. I am a Health & Wellness Change Advocate for chronic conditions, a YouTuber, an advisor on Parexel’s Patient Advisory Council (India) and very importantly I also feel it’s important to create a healthier environment in our everyday lives (even for those who don’t have chronic conditions) and I do this through the sport of Ultimate Frisbee.

If you’re curious to know everything about this space then I’ve done my best to answer some frequently asked questions…

What is ‘All Things Endometriosis and More’ about?

As someone who has had Endometriosis for 30 years, I’ve learnt a few things along the way and I felt I needed to create a space to share all that.

All Things Endometriosis is that space where I can explain not just the various difficulties I faced as a patient, but what I tried to do about it – what worked and what did not.

The idea is to create awareness that could prove to be helpful.

Please Note: I am not medically qualified – everything mentioned in this site is purely based on real life experiences so please seek medical advice before deciding to follow any information from this website.

Which Areas of Endometriosis will be Covered Here?

Endometriosis isn’t just an issue which affects areas of the reproductive system, instead its impact is felt all over the body – it’s a multi-organ condition which needs to be well supported with the right diet, the right exercise, the right overall physical care, mental care, the right support from family, friends and on the professional front too.

Therefore it is imperative to talk about all these aspects because endometriosis isn’t just a painful period – it is so much more than that.

And just to add, I also share doctor experiences, my excision surgery experience, pre-op and post-op dos and don’ts too – basically everything I have learnt these 30 years.

…and what’s “and More”?

Endometriosis is a multi-organ condition and so the discussion cannot remain restricted to just endometriosis.

I have Adenomyosis, CSF Leak, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, PoTS and Painful Bladder Syndrome / MCAS – all with some connection to endometriosis (well, the CSF leak is more an EDS thing). But yes, all these connections need to be spoken about – isolating the discussion to just endometriosis does not allow us patients to create a wholesome approach to our condition.

Can a Reader Contribute Their Experiences?

Yes of course. Every experience is valuable and if you wish to contribute a guest post – email me and we can take this further.

Ways to get in touch with me:

Work With Me

If you would like to know of the services I offer, then you can know more here