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Does Being Grateful Help Improve Chronic Illnesses? (with video)
It can be tough to feel positive and grateful when you're unwell - but how does our mental thought process affect our health? I share some facts along with personal experiences of the...
Six Months On: Endometriosis Laparoscopic Excision Surgery – Am I Better?
It's March, it's Endometriosis Awareness Month and March 5, 2020 marks six months since my endometriosis excision surgery (LAPEX). I felt that this is the apt time to give you all an update of how...
Does endometriosis have a habit of troubling bone health and causing joint pain more than normal? I've always believed a lot of additional medical issues are not spoken of in women who have...
Many years back, I noticed that those with medical issues were being referred to as 'spoonies' or someone who was unwell saying they've "run out of spoons for the day". I never understood what this...
How To Make the Most of Social Media for Chronic Illness Patients
Social media can prove to be quite an enriching experience for those with chronic conditions. But how do you make the most of this and for it to remain a positive influence? I look to answer this and...
No one will ever really notice your period issues with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) because that's the invisible part of the condition, what they will see is what (can) lower your self esteem -...