Podcast Ep 30: Addressing the Elephant in Your Head

Podcast Ep 30: Addressing the Elephant in Your Head

Do you address the larger issues on your mind? The niggling ones? Do you have a plan for it? How do I address my issues? Listen here to know more, but if you can’t have a listen, then you can read what I’ve said too:

Addressing the Elephant in Your Head

“Hi! I’m Shruti and this is my podcast space where I speak about life lessons, chronic conditions, mental and physical health tips and experiences.

Please note that this podcast is available in text format on my website allthingsendometriosis.com in the podcast section. And very importantly, this podcast does not aim to substitute any medical advice because I am not a medical professional. I’m just sharing what I’ve observed and learnt over time.

So as I sit to write and then now record this podcast, I sit with loads going on in my mind. The last few weeks, or shall I say, a couple of months have been quite the roller-coaster ride. There has been a lot to manage and a lot of surprises thrown into the mix all while the constants of life carry on.

I guess all this happens with all of us, but you know how some phases in life, you’re floored with one challenge after another?! That’s how it has been.

And in all this, I’m beginning to realise that I was not following a philosophy I believe in. I’m not addressing the larger issues troubling my mind.

I am not saying what I need to say in order to maintain clarity of thought.

My reasons for this vary between not having the time amidst the chaos, not having the strength to address it and.. and… fearing the response.

But I’m not usually like this.

In fact I haven’t been like this for the last four years or so – so that’s a pretty good record of addressing what’s on my mind! For addressing the elephant in my head.

I’m always one to spend time with my mind, speak to myself and chalk out a plan or even brainstorm on paper with my ideas. I’m always one to tell someone how I feel about them – I’ve never shied away from telling someone that I like them while not hanging on to their response – whether they feel the same way or not is secondary – although I don’t currently feel that way about anyone but I’m just giving an example… in fact if I have an issue with someone and it’s bothering me, I confront that too by finding the nicest way to do it… I always look to keep my mind light.

This way of living has served me well, otherwise I start feeling suffocated, heavy and stifled. But now I’m looking to change that.

I mean I’m looking to change the fact that I haven’t been doing that and…

So, I plan to spend the next month working on an idea related to mental and physical health – an extension of the work I have been upto – it’ll involve my YouTube channel, my blog, Instagram, Twitter – in fact every avenue I can think of. But most importantly it’ll be a dedication to my mother who is the most straight up person I know – clear with her thought processes and opinions.

So, why am I sharing all this? – well the reasons are many, but I’ll share the two main ones.

The first – we should all look to take that pause, once a day or a few times a week and check-in with ourselves and spend time with our mind – hear ourselves and see if there are pending elephants in our mind that are constantly occupying space – stuff that can be addressed with a plan.

Because if we don’t then it begins to rot our mental health.

A question… Would you keep food stored away in the refrigerator for months on end?! No right?! Then why do we do that with the things on our mind?

So here’s my plan of action, once I have posted this podcast today, I will spend time brainstorming the ideas brewing in my mind with proper focus and dedication. I will also write down the other issues that are occupying space – especially related to my health – where I stand with the physical aspect of it and what I need to re-work. I will chalk out a financial plan as well. The next few days, I will spend time with myself working it out. It won’t be the perfect plan, but it’ll be enough for me to understand the next step ahead.

And all this will help my mental health.

Also, I’m okay for things to not go to plan – because they rarely do for me. But this exercise brings clarity to my mind. A clear mind is always a win right?!

Ooo now the second reason to share all this with you is – it also means that I will take a month away from podcasting. I’d like to spend time to think of the other thoughts I haven’t shared yet. I think in my mental chaos, I’m not being able to see and say what I really wish to, so hopefully I’ll address that too.

But in the meantime, I do have quite a lot of episodes available for you to listen to in case you haven’t, so please check them out and you know you can still always DM me on Instagram my Insta handle is @footprintsnoboundaries or through email, you can email me, my email address is [email protected].

Now as I bring this episode to a close – I wish to ask you, do you address the elephant in your head? What’s your process and how often do you do it? If you are comfortable then please do share this with me. I really appreciate all the varying perspectives you guys bring to me.

Thank you to all of you who spend time listening – I’ll be back very soon (some famous words there right?!)…

Take care everyone! Be good! B-byeeeee.”

Read Here For:

I’d love to know what you thought of today’s podcast. Please do share your thoughts in the comments section below…

Previous: Podcast 29: How Saying “I’m always busy” Helped My Mental Health

Up Next: On a break till November 8, 2020

If you’re a social media person, then you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or YouTube.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am a patient and have created this platform to share my experiences. This is all purely informative and in no way am I providing medical advice. Please consult a medical professional.

4 thoughts on “Podcast Ep 30: Addressing the Elephant in Your Head

  1. Hey Shruti – love your podcasts! I’m going to miss hearing them while you take your time off, but it’s well-deserved.
    Some of the elephants in my head make themselves known relatively quickly, and I do my best to manage them effectively. Whenever I make larger-scale plans, I lay the challenges out and recognize my fears about it. Then, I do what I can to make a simple plan for the realistic what-if’s. As an example, when I flew to visit a friend in Europe, I recognized my fears about being symptomatic onboard was realistic and made the plan of informing the flight attendant of my FND when I boarded – including that I didn’t need medical attention and that I could communicate if that changed. I requested assistance ahead of time, and generally set things up to minimize my stress on the day I travelled.
    Sometimes, the elephants are subconscious, in which case my FND symptoms kick up and I get to investigate that mystery until I recognize the underlying issue. When I do, it feels right and my symptoms start to calm. It’s a process and can take a while, but I absolutely agree that it’s so important and useful to recognize those big stresses and calm them down.
    Thanks for bringing this up – I agree that it’s really important!

  2. Wonderful post, Shruti. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest with your work as always. I’m a problem solver and a planner, so it’s in my nature to face it all as it comes and address it right away – even before I got sick. I am so interested to see what you are going to do for your month away from podcasting. Perhaps some big changes? No matter what, I’m with you all the way!

  3. I so agree that the ‘pause’ is so helpful for us. A moment to gain perspective and take a moment to assess what is going on, how we are feeling.

    And I am so looking forward to seeing the new project come to life!!

  4. I’m glad you’re taking time to address these thoughts and will be working on them to flesh them out. I do think that taking time to focus on what is really calling us can be drowned out by the little tasks/demands throughout the day. So, taking a time of quiet to reflect, journal, and explore is something we all should do periodically. I found a lot of inspiration on my trip and silent time, however, I’m not sure if I actually fleshed anything out.

    I do love hearing your voice and appreciate you sharing your wisdom. Wishing you a blessed time of focus and reflection, my friend.

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