Podcast Ep 1: It’s Here! My New Podcast on Health, Self-Help & Life Lessons

Episode 1: It's Here! My New Podcast on Health, Self-Help & Life Lessons

I’ve started a podcast! It’s about health, self-help and life lessons. I’ll make sure that I share every podcast on my website so those of you who may not be able to listen to it, but are happy to read what I’ve said, then it’s all here for you.

Before I share what I’ve said…

Why I Decided to Start a Podcast

I’ve been wanting to dive into creating self-help and medical awareness videos for a long time, but we all know that it can be quite a physical and mental challenge for many of us spoonies.

I do have a YouTube channel, but I feel many you may connect better with this podcast, so I thought to reach out to more of you, to spread the word on what we go through through this audio format.

What I like about my podcast is that it’s open, conversational (as of now, it’s just me speaking, but I hope to have some guests – at some point) – I speak about all that I have learnt and understood about life and the lessons learnt from it.

We all have varying issues in our health, finances, relationships and very importantly – our relationship with ourselves – I look forward to speaking about them over the coming weeks and months.

But for now, here is a link to the podcast, but if you can’t have a listen, then the text of it is below:

Episode 1 – My Introduction

“Hello everyone… I’m Shruti Chopra – the person behind Footprints, No Boundaries. Thank you for joining me here as I attempt a solo podcast for the first time. Frankly it’s seemed like natural progression – an idea I’ve been putting off for a while now…

But you know what… before I continue with my non-essential explanations… what’s this podcast space really gonna be about – that’s the main question…

If you know me from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or my website, you’ll know that I share content and build awareness about my chronic conditions which, to name a few are endometriosis, adenomyosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, fibromyalgia

…the idea here is to continue to build awareness, share tips, talk about life lessons and share observations… and no everything is not medical… it’s about life.

Now before I sign off from this brief introduction… and before you ask… why have I named my Instagram and this podcast Footprints, No Boundaries?!

The idea is to inspire the concept of creating new footprints, as in trying new things or old things differently without boundaries… sharing what I can without inhibitions… so yep, that’s why, it’s Footprints, No Boundaries.

I also have website called allthingsendometriosis.com – a place where I write about the medical experiences I’ve had so in case you’re interested you can hop on their too…

That’s it for this quick introduction…

The next podcast isn’t too far off – the topic is ‘comparisons’ so please watch this space for that…”

Read Here For:

That was episode 1 – if you have any thoughts on my new endeavour, or maybe you’re doing a podcast yourself, then please share the link below – I would love to have a listen.

Up next: Podcast Episode 2 – Habits: Do You Compare Yourself to Others?


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am a patient and have created this platform to share my experiences. This is all purely informative and in no way am I providing medical advice. Please consult a medical professional. 

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